Student Wellbeing

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Spring 2022: Student Well-being Institutional Support Survey

Under the leadership of Campus Recreation and Student Affairs Assessment and Planning, the Student Well-being Institutional Support Survey (SWISS) was disseminated in the Spring 2022 semester to a random sample of half of UIC undergraduate, graduate, and professional students. The survey closed with a 9% response rate, representing 1,301 students. Developed by Butler University, SWISS is a tool used to measure student perceptions around how well their institutions support various aspects of their well-being. In doing so, SWISS measures this at the campus level instead of at the level of the individual student’s well-being. This report outlines a summary of each item contained in the SWISS, organized by themes, and presented in an aggregate, as well as disaggregated by racial and ethnic groups.

Addressing Students’ Emotional Health

In the Fall 2011, NASPA and the JED Foundation conducted a survey regarding current practices, programming, and policies that universities and colleges have in place for addressing the emotional health of students and supporting at-risk students.