Student Veteran Affairs Student Learning Outcomes

  • Will develop an understanding of the important role listening and asking questions plays in learning the distinctive needs of our veteran and military connected population.
    Alignment with Divisional Learning Goals: Justice, Equity, Diversity, and Inclusion; Skills to be Real World Ready
  • Will use Testimonio/story telling as a foundation for creating connection with the SVA team and the broader veteran and military affiliated community in and beyond UIC.
    Alignment with Divisional Learning Goals: Justice, Equity, Diversity, and Inclusion; Belonging
  • Reflect on and articulate how daily practice helps demonstrate various parts of the University, Student Affairs and Dean of Students missions and the charge of Student Veterans Affairs.
    Alignment with Divisional Learning Goals: Transformational Leadership; Self-Awareness
  • Will be able to identify areas of strength and growth with regard to the 6 characteristics of professionalism.
    Alignment with Divisional Learning Goals: Transformational Leadership; Self-Awareness
  • Will be able to identify career and professional resources and organizations to transition from college to career.
    Alignment with Divisional Learning Goals: Skills to be Real World Ready
  • Students will develop a sense of belonging with other military affiliated students.
    Alignment with Divisional Learning Goals: Belonging