Community Standards Learning Outcomes

  • Students who interact with Community Standards will be able to identify the university’s student disciplinary policy.
    Alignment with Divisional Learning Goals: Skills to be real world ready
  • Students who interact with Community Standards will be able to articulate the student disciplinary process.
    Alignment with Divisional Learning Goals: Belonging
  • Students who interact with Community Standards will be able to articulate their rights and responsibilities within the conduct process.
    Alignment with Divisional Learning Goals: Skills to be real world ready
  • Students who interact with Community Standards will be able to develop critical life skills including: Developing self-advocacy and Conflict resolution.
    Alignment with Divisional Learning Goals: Skills to be real world ready
  • Students will demonstrate increased personal accountability and understand the importance of taking responsibility for their actions.
    Alignment with Divisional Learning Goals: Transformational Learning
  • Students will understand their role within the university community.
    Alignment with Divisional Learning Goals: Belonging
  • Students will be able to explain how their actions impact the university community.
    Alignment with Divisional Learning Goals: Self-Awareness
  • Students will be able to explain what is considered: Plagiarism and Cheating.
    Alignment with Divisional Learning Goals: Skills to be real world ready